Noon Reports and The Sin of Taking Averages

In a previous article, I highlighted that in respect to propulsion monitoring one of the biggest problems of noon reports, and of careless data manipulation, is taking averages. Here I try to clarify why. As usual some comments are "tongue in cheek", I hope the readers will not mind... but the article is not a joke, quite the contrary.

Propulsion Monitoring, Smart Modelling, Big Data, Noon Reports, High Frequency Data, Clone Records & Random Sampling

Lately I have read some articles claiming that for propulsion monitoring there is the need for high frequency measurements as opposed to low frequency noon reports.

I think that there is a huge misunderstanding and a lot of confusion in the above statement. Some clarifications are needed.

As usual some comments are "tongue in cheek", I hope the readers will not mind... but the article is not a joke, quite the contrary.

Fuel Consumption vs Propulsion Performance Monitoring

There is quite a lot confusion about Fuel Consumption Monitoring and Propulsion Performance Monitoring, and even more regarding Propulsion Performance per se. The present article is just meant to give few pointers and clarifications regarding the above. Some comments are "tongue in cheek", I hope the readers will not mind... but the article is not a joke, quite the contrary.

First and foremost, fuel is burnt to convert chemical power into thermal power and thermal power into mechanical power.